Radio Fantasy Get Dream Jingles From Reelworld
Augsburg’s Radio Fantasy is the latest station in Germany to get new jingles from ReelWorld.
Programme Director Thorsten Rother said: “With the KIIS 2015 package we can sharpen our format even better and continue to set ourselves apart from our competitors.”
The station, which reaches over 100,000 listeners every day selected the hugely popular KIIS 2015 package to re-image their brand.
Client Relations for ReelWorld in Germany are looked after by Paul Fernley from their European studios at MediaCityUK near Manchester. Paul said: “It was great fun working with Thorsten and the team at Radio Fantasy on picking their new station package. This is the first time our new KIIS 2015 jingles have been heard in Germany and they sound great. This is yet another example of where we have the perfect package for any radio station in our library, these jingles fit the station like a glove!’